Thursday, February 27, 2014

All the reasons

coat - vintage
tee - H&M
velvet skirt - DIY
tights/socks - Primark
backpack - Primark

Do you know what I love? When spring is coming, the sun is up, it's getting warmer and you even hear the birds singing. That's all what matters..if there wouldn't be school. I'm stuck in schoolbooks and portfolios. Just two more month till my exams. Feels like time is slipping away and I'm not prepared at all.. So please forgive me if I'm blogging irregular in the next few month. My future is dependent on those exams..

I wore a monochrome outfit again. It's just so simple for lazy and uninspired days. If I have one of those days I almost always choose a black and white combo.

My books are waiting.. See you soon!


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