Friday, July 25, 2014

predictable adventures

top - H&M
skirt - Primark
kimono - Primark
shoes - H&M

Day two on a festival. This is a example of what I would wear. Perhaps another pair of shoes, to be honest. You can't survive a festival without gumboots or at least a pair of really robust boots, Dr. Martens are always a good choice. Probably it depends in which country and area you are visiting a festival. Can't imagine that you will get sludgy at Choachella. But believe me when I tell you that you will put you gumboots first in your backpack if you live in my area! ;)

It's a rule, there can not be a festival without rain. The days before and after the festival are the sunniest and hottest in the whole year, but for some reason everything changes when it comes to festivals.... One big mystery!

In that case, wish you all a sunny weekend and a great time! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Committed to colour

crop top - H&M
maxi - H&M
backpack - Primark

Summer time is festival time!
Relating to this I'm going to post some festival inspired looks.
I went for the typical festival look on the first post. Laced knit top, paired with a maxi skirt and not to forget a flower crown. Guess this is a must-wear look for every single festival and you will find it on ever corner.

Can't wait till I'm visiting 'Frequency'! 3 week left, counting the days already ;) It's one of the biggest festivals in Austria and this year the headlines are outstanding!

Have a nice day! Even though it's raining the wholeeeeee day..
Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

on the top of the city

oversized shirt/dress - Primark
crop top - Bershka
necklace - Primark

And the award for the worst blogger on the planet goes to......
Oh hey there, I failed again. Don't even ask why I'm not able to manage to take some photos.. just don't. ;)
I'm back at my hometown during summer, I thought I would have enough time for some shootings, but nope just work work work. It's great, really.. 

Anyhow.. Last month I went on a kinda spontaneous short trip to Bratislava with my boyfriend. If someone would get a price for the best tourist, he definitly would win. Guess there doesn't exist one cm^2 which he didn't photographed haha. No, I'm joking, it wasn't that bad.

Since it was a sightseeing day I went for something comfortable but not to easy. I'm totally into this whole baseball trend. Never thought that I would like trends like that, but I do. Especially when it's made with see-through material.
Unfortunately I had some troubles with my shoes... Friendly reminder, never wear new shoes on a sightseeing trip, not a good idea.

Stay tuned, I have some photos on hold.